Climate Resilience Enterprise Opportunities in New Zealand and the Oceania Region Project

Key Understanding: Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to events, trends, or instabilities related to climate change.


The scientific and anecdotal evidence for global climate change is undeniable. Yet many business leaders in both large corporations and small and medium sized enterprises may not recognize what opportunities and risks exist because of climate change or how best to respond. Studying how the private sector in Aoteroa New Zealand is addressing climate change offers business leaders, educators, and students in the US and other parts of the world with an excellent opportunity to understand how best to lead efforts to build climate resilience for their enterprises and for their communities.

Funding support

The funding to develop this website and related educational materials comes from a 2-year Title VI grant from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). In addition to addressing the role that business can play in addressing climate change globally and locally, this grant is also an opportunity to develop the WPI Business School’s international business programs and enhance collaborations among the WPI Business School and its regional business community, the WPI Global School, and the Wellington New Zealand Project Center. We are very grateful for the ED’s funding support and for the in-kind support from many at WPI.